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Digital reception made easy.

Guest experience application that offer guests access to all your hotel services.

30 days free trial period.

All hotel services in one place.

Enable your guests to access and use hotel services in a quick and easy way.

Room service

Guests have the option to order food and beverages in just a few easy steps.


Allow guests to request extra amenities or housekeeping services.

Wellness & spa

Massages and other treatments are easily booked through the app.

Hotel tour

Introduce your guests to your hotel and show them what the hotel has to offer.

All guest requests in one place.

Centralized notification system that contribute to the maximum up-to-dateness of the reception.

Better organization

By centralizing all tasks and requests, you'll be able to manage them more effectively.

Realtime notifications

Boost your guest care proficiency by quickly receiving and efficiently managing their requests.

Central devices

Direct requests directly to a device you created for better management: Reception, Kitchen, Spa or any other facility.

Ways of access.

Your guests can access the app via following methods.

QR code stand

Custom printed QR code stand on diferent materials that can be placed anywhere in your hotel room.

QR code card

On check-in your guest can receive a custom printed card and use it for access wherever they are.

Email link

Once your guest made a reservation you can send a link in a confirmation email which they can use for access.

Why Hotelity?

The application offers a lot of benefits both to the guest and hotel staff, here are just a few of them.

Quick & easy setup

Start using the application in just a few easy steps, there is no there is no initial investment and high maintenance costs.

Improve guest engagement

Accessing the app is as easy as scanning a QR code, that moment guest has full access to hotel services from the comfort of their bed.


Create special offers, tease your guests with strategically positioned banners and boost your hotel’s revenue.


Monitor how the app is performing, check staff engagement & performance, follow guest activity and serve new offers based on that.

Easier management

Organise requests management with central devices and save your staff valuable time they can commit to your guests.


Remove the language barrier - show the application in your guest’s native language and make their stay more comfortable.

Pre-Stay feature.

Allow your guests to use some of the features before they check-in.

Upseling offers

Your guests can organize a surprise for their loved ones, or order a bottle of champagne waiting for them on their arival.

Hotel information

Provide information about your hotel and services it offers, so your guest can get more familiar with it and have pleasant stay.

Room upgrade

If there is a possibility at that moment, give an offer for your guest to upgrade their room to a better one.

Other services

Guests can use some of your services like booking a taxi vehicle from airport to your hotel and other services you allow them to.


Monitor app performance, make data driven decisions and improve organization and management.

Real-time feedback

Collect real-time feedback from guests on their experiences. This information can help address any issues and improve guest satisfaction.


By analyzing data on guest preferences, you can tailor your services to better suit each guest's individual needs.

Resource optimization

By tracking which services are most popular and when, you can allocate staff and resources more efficiently.

Revenue management

By analyzing data on booking demand, you can adjust your prices in real-time to maximize revenue.

Ensure an awesome guest experience at your hotel.

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